A Look into the Lives of Deaf Women in Nigeria

Insights derived from responses to 45 Likert scale ​questions that assess sentiment on basic needs, ​health, communication, safety, and community, ​with a lens on the well-being of women.

Demographic Breakdown

size indicates age of respondent

The majority of respondents ​have at least a high school or ​vocational education, and are ​Christian.

Less overall responses came ​from women than men, ​especially from the Islamic ​community (click here for ​more).

Click on any of the circles for ​more information about each ​respondent, including age, tribal ​affiliation(s), age of hearing ​loss, employment status, and ​the total number of Likert scale ​questions answered.

Women offered fewer responses than men, overall

Within educational groups, female respondents tend to be younger and offer fewer responses overall. Use the ​dropdown menu to view respondents by educational level, age, and number of Likert scale questions answered.

Where do deaf women feel the most positive?

More than half of women respondents had ​positive sentiments about their safety and ​self-satisfaction.

As with men, most deaf Nigerian women ​are also fluent in sign language, and have ​access to basic hygiene like hand-washing.

Hover over a circle for the proportion of ​women who felt positively about a specific ​question.

Where do deaf women face the biggest challenges?

More than half of women respondents ​had negative sentiments about their ​ability to communicate, attend to ​their hearing devices, or travel and ​generate income.

Hover over a circle for the proportion ​of women who felt negatively about a ​specific question.

Women responded less positively than men, overall

The largest disparities in sentiment between women and men appeared in satisfaction with their personal and sex ​lives, as well as access to communication tools like computers and the internet. In terms of computer and internet ​access, however, both men and women expressed a low level of satisfaction.

Explore the chart below for insight into each question, as well as disparities between women and men in their feelings ​about basic needs, health, communication, safety, and community. Hover over shapes for detailed information.

Basic needs Y Health Communication Safety Community


In Logo Blue Vector

Last updated: May 25, 2024